Gcl Parcel

Author : GCLParcel.com

Published On : Nov 23 2021 11:54AM

The UK has made significant progress on trade deals, with the EU and Japan both agreeing to sign long-term agreements. The deal is expected to be signed off at a summit in Brussels later this month, after which it will be examined by lawmakers.

This follows on from other successes for the UK since Brexit, including the signing of an agreement with Australia last year and securing access to New Zealand's dairy market earlier this week. These are welcome developments following many years where global trade was dominated by Asia - but now Britain is back!

Examples of this would be the new trade and agriculture commission being launched with measures to boosts farming exports in and out of the UK. With steps like this being taken by the UK there will also be a new Food and Drink Export Council to work in collaboration with industry and governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to promote exports from all parts of the UK, helping to level up the country. This also reconfirms that maintaining the UK’s high standards will be a red line in all our trade negotiations, with no compromise on our high environmental protection, animal welfare or food standards.

The UK has had quite the time since Brexit. Not only did they secure a trade deal with Australia, but also secured access to New Zealand's dairy market - something that was much needed after the EU imposed tough restrictions on how much product could be imported from around the world. Now, as part of this new agreement with New Zealand and other countries in the Pacific region, there is hope that more deals can be made for goods to come into Britain without any tariffs or taxes attached! It will take some time to see if these agreements are worth it because we're not entirely sure what all came out of them just yet. But one thing is certain; British consumers need to brace themselves for higher prices when going grocery shopping at

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